Question 1: What is the main purpose of the error detector in the recorder?
Question 2: List all the typical frequency responses of the strip chart recorder.
Question 3: List all the three functions that a recorder might simultaneously serve in the industrial applications.
Question 4: List out minimum five applications which must be considered while choosing a recording instrument?
Question 5: If the frequency of a signal to be recorded with a strip chart recorder is 15 Hz, what chart speed should be employed to record one complete cycle on 5mm of recording paper?
Question 6: The chart speed of a recording instrument is 10 mm/sec. If the time base of the recorded signal is 20 mm, then determine the frequency of the recorded signal?
Question 7: Describe the functioning of a fundamental type of strip chart recorder. Describe the different types of marking method used in it.
Question 8: Explain the working of a galvanometric type of strip chart recorder. What are the various types of tracing systems used in it? Describe with the help of appropriate diagram.
Question 9: Describe, with the help of diagram, the working of a null type recorder. Differentiate between single point and multi point recorders.
Question 10: What do you mean by X-Y recorder? How do you differentiate it from an X-t or Y-t recorder? Describe, the appropriate circuit diagram, the working of an X-Y recorder. Explain its applications.