
Darwin is unable to explain how life itself originated -

1. True or False: Darwin asserts his (political and/or moral) opposition to organized religion.

2. True or False: Darwin is unable to explain how life itself originated.

3. True or False: Darwin asserts that feelings of sympathy and love are unique to mammals.

4. True or False: Darwin declares that the idea of God loving righteousness and hating sin is the highest form of religion.

5. True or False: Darwin argues that dogs cannot possibly exhibit anything like a moral conscience.

6. True or False: Darwin argues that humans have mental attributes or characteristics that are absolutely unique within the Animal Kingdom.

7. True or False: Darwin suggests that the history of human languages is similar or parallel to the evolution of species.

8. True or False: Darwin asserts that the survival or preservation of certain favored words in the struggle for existence is itself a matter of natural selection.

9. True or False: Darwin criticizes the Golden Rule (to do good to others, to treat others as you would wish to be treated) as contrary to natural selection, and therefore, incorrect.

10. True or False: Darwin asserts that individuals who inspire others to moral greatness through heroic or virtuous acts can be more beneficial to the social group in this way than though begetting and raising children.

11. True or False: Darwin argues that morality is a product of evolution.

12. True or False: Darwin notes that many practices of civilized people act against the tendencies of natural selection--the weaker in body and mind often reproduce prolifically.

13. True or False: Darwin contends that Western European civilization owes much of its success to biological inheritance, descent, from the ancient Greeks.

14. True or False: The Holy Inquisition, Darwin suggests, had a beneficial effect on the intellectual and moral capacities of Western Europe, since it tended to eliminate the crudest, most violent, heretical and morally-degenerate men.

15. True or False: Darwin suggests that the highest possible stage in moral culture is when we recognize that we ought to control our thoughts.

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English: Darwin is unable to explain how life itself originated -
Reference No:- TGS0832623

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