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Since these are evaluations of critiques, stay focused on the analysis rather than emphasizing your opinion or interpretation. Ask questions. Comment on a quote that stood out. Refer to key Bible verses when applicable. Review the logic of the arguments used by other students.
Here we have an article written by Daniel B. Wallace entitled, "The Resurrection of Christ: Theological Implications". Its basic premise is to discuss the death and resurrection of Christ and the different stances that people have taken throughout the years. The author takes a detailed approach to explore just what the resurrection meant for the early church and what it currently means for us today.
The New Testament is where the life of God incarnate begins. We see in the 4 Gospels how Jesus became a man, started a ministry, died, resurrected, and ascended to Heaven. All of these are great and show the true character of God but the two that are pivotal to our faith are his death and resurrection. Dr. Wallace pointed out that a lot of people heavily rely on the death of Christ. He noted that people wear crosses. People have in their homes the image of a crucifix with the Messiah hanging on it. Dr. Wallace brings up a great point: does this image bring about joy of redemption or does it just show a vicious death that needed to be paid for sin? Paul after all did preach on the death of Christ but is that where he stopped? No! Paul preached on the resurrection of Christ multiple times. The entire fifteenth chapter of the first letter to the Corinthian church is about the resurrection. However he doesn't stop with the resurrection of Jesus he continues on with the resurrection of the church. The resurrection of the dead was not a new concept. As Dr. Wallace points out the doctrine of resurrection of the dead was first revealed to Daniel during the Babylonian captivity. Why was it delivered at that time? The Jews were in captivity. They had nothing to hold on to in the present day. They needed something in the future to hope for. Resurrection of the dead was that hope. They were appointed to suffer a time of bondage but they were given assurance of future life. As Dr. Wallace points out in his article this is a prime example of how the church has devolved. We get off our focus and are content with the things of this world when we should be longing for the life to come. We are to prize the resurrection of Christ above all things. His resurrection is what seals our resurrection from the dead! Without it we have nothing to hope for.
Daniel B. Wallace is a professor at Dallas Theological Seminary in Dallas, Texas. In his article, he discusses the theological implications of the resurrection of Christ. As demonstrated by his writing, he clearly believes in the importance of the resurrection. He states nine points regarding the significance of the resurrection. In his closing statements, he states, "To sum up: life, relationship, forgiveness, sanctification, the future, sanctity of the body. A whole philosophy, an entire world view, is wrapped up in the resurrection of Christ. Act as if your life depends on the resurrection of Christ--because it does!" (2004).
While the article may be short in length, it is packed full of information. His article is extremely straightforward. He organizes his message into points and sub points. By doing this, he is able to state his viewpoints in an organized and clear manner. Due to the length of the article, it is primarily a one-sided paper. Daniel B. Wallace clearly states his viewpoints and provides biblical information. He provides multiple Bible verses for all but one of his sub points. However, he does not spend much time discussing opposing viewpoints. With any type of article of a theological nature though, it can be hard to discuss all of the opposing viewpoints. Daniel B. Wallace expounds upon his position, but does not focus on other positions. His paper is focused in on a specific topic. As stated in the article name, he discusses the resurrection and the theological implications of the resurrection. His arguments are simplistic and short in nature. He provides various points, but each individual point is rather short.
Overall, it is a relatively decent paper. Daniel B. Wallace discusses key points and outlines his beliefs for them while using scriptural support. However, it is also a slightly weak paper. Instead of briefly describing so many points, he could have extensively described a few points. However, that was not the intention of his paper and that is acceptable. His paper has the ability to be a great read for those who desire a brief analysis. However, it will not satisfy one who approaches the resurrection of Christ with questions and uncertainty. With that being said, it still is a great article for the purpose in which Daniel B. Wallace is striving to achieve.
Daniel B. Wallace, the author of the article "The Resurrection of Christ: Theological Implications," is an esteemed professor who earned his Ph.D. at Dallas Theological Seminary. For over 30 years, he has taught Greek and New Testament studies and is the author of a standard college textbook "Greek Grammar Beyond the Basic: An Exegetical Syntax of the New Testament." He is also the senior New Testament editor for the NET Bible and Executive Director for the Center for the Study of New Testament Manuscripts. It is clear to see that Dr. Wallace has an extensive background in theological studies of the New Testament such as the resurrection of Christ. In this article, Dr. Wallace focuses upon the significance of the resurrection and it's theological implications. His understanding of the topic is evidently seen in his interpretation of Scripture as he reveals to the reader the impact that the resurrection had upon God's redemptive plan for humanity. Dr. Wallace's arguments for the importance of the resurrection are emphatically stated in his presentation of many prophetic statements that were fulfilled in regards to the redemptive work of Christ through His resurrection.
Dr. Wallace provides the reader Scriptural evidence in both the Old and New Testament to support his statements such as verses in the books of Daniel, Acts, Romans, and 1 Corinthians. Throughout the article, he builds his case for the importance of the resurrection of Christ by allowing the reader to clearly see that his understanding of the topic is analyzed comprehensively, coherently, and logically making it nearly impossible for any counter view to try and oppose such strong evidence against it. Although he does mention the faulty views of some Christians in regards to the resurrection, it is stated very vaguely and any other counter arguments such as for example those who support inclusivism are not presented. Therefore, the article is not balanced in this respect. In addition, the article's primary focus is upon the theological implications and does not delve into the historical evidences or implications. Although discussing more than just the theological implications such as historical evidences as well as presenting and arguing counter views would have strengthened his argument, the overall article gives the reader enough information and evidence to conclude that the resurrection is indeed necessary for the complete fulfillment of the redemptive work of God.