
Dalleva defines formal analysis but adds a warning for

Answer the following questions over chapter 2 from Look! by Anne D'Alleva. Type your responses in a WordTM document or similar format. Submit the paper to the assignment dropbox located to the right on this page. Bring your response to class and be prepared to discuss your answers.

1. D'Alleva defines formal analysis but adds a warning for viewers attempting to describe works of art. What is the warning that the author offers for viewers?

2. The author lists formal analysis elements on pp. 28-31 and offers questions to use when thinking about composition. Using the questions on p. 31, analyze figure 2.2 Anti-Vice Campaign Series 001, 2005, by Zhang Haiying.

3. Describe how your thinking about looking at two-dimensional art (painting, graphic arts, photography), sculpture, or architecture has changed after reading this chapter.

4. After reading about installation art, performance and video art, digital art, and textile and decorative arts, how do these categories expand your understanding of art?

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Dissertation: Dalleva defines formal analysis but adds a warning for
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