
Dale short is hired in november as an administrative

Dale Short is hired in November as an administrative assistant in public relations at Adobe Systems of Mountain View, California, A software firm. He considers it an excellent opportunity because the company has made a commitment to provide him with career development opportunities and to give him the backup resources he needs to carry out his projects. The resources include clerical help. Dale and the supervisor Bradley hit it off well, and Dale looks forward to a stressful, rewarding career at graphics Express. Dale makes no secret of the fact that he’s into man because he prefers to start off on an honest basis with his coworkers. Soon after he comes to work, however, one of his coworkers, LaVon Peck, begins making derogatory comments about gays to him. Dale tries to ignore these putdowns, but LaVon escalates them to direct insults about Dales sexual orientation. The comments upset Dale. He discusses them with his partner, saying “It hurts to be treated this way in this day and age. I thought that in this city and company I would be left alone.” Dale and his partner agree that the best response is to continue ignoring LaVons negative comments and to focus on doing a good job. The situation takes a turn for the worse, however, when Katie, who works closely with LaVon, brings some disturbing news to Dale. Katie says that LaVon frequently complains about Dale to others when she’s in the employee dining room-lounge. Katie says, “Dale, I hate to be the one to tell you, but I think you should know. LaVons saying you’re unfair to represent the company to customers because you’re gay. She says you tarnish the company and all of us with your perverse lifestyle.”

This time Dale decides he must take action. Its one thing to put up with remarks directed solely at himself, but mudslinging in the presence of all co-workers is more than he can take. He schedules a meeting with Jeff, the human resources director, and informs him of the situation. Jeff promises to look into it. This meeting takes place in early May.

In late May, Dales supervisor Bradley is prompted. Dale shares Bradleys elation over the promotion, but when he hears who will take Bradleys place, his heart sinks. His nemesis LaVon will be his new supervisor. Dale decides to try to make the best of it, to ignore La Vons hostility, and to do the best job possible.

By the end of June, Dale can see that his goals are becoming more and more difficult to achieve. La Von is giving Dale more and more assignments, often time menial and tedious ones, and makes it clear that Dale is expected to complete them by deadline without receiving additional clerical help or overtime.The final straw comes when La Von tells Dale he can no longer depend on the help of Deborah, the clerk who has worked most closely with him in the past.

This occurs in late July, and Dale immediately goes to Jeff, the human resources director. Dale brings Jeff up to date on the situation, saying: “Jeff, you said you’d look into this problem of La Vons hostility toward me. It was difficult enough when she was merely slandering me. Now shes in a position of direct power over me, and she s setting up impossible performance standards for me.” Jeff promises to investigate.

In late September, Dale speaks to Jeff again, saying, “My work situation has become so stressful that I have great difficulty sleeping, and I’ve been putting in such long, hard, tension-filled days that I’m beginning to feel drained all the time. What can you do to relive the situation?” Again, Jeff promises to look into the problem.

Now it’s November. Dale has been at Adobe for a year. Its been months since he appealed to Jeff in H.R. for help and nothing has changed. Dale is trying to decide his next move. He feels exhausted, he’s had respiratory infection for six weeks, and his doctors tells him he must get more rest.

1. What surface problems do you notice?

2. What are the underlying root problems?

3. If you were Dale, what would you do?

4. If you were Jeff, what would you do?

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Operation Management: Dale short is hired in november as an administrative
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