
Daily capsule inspection cost

A certain farm inspects capsule medicine products by passing the capsules over a special lighting table where inspectors visually check for cracked or . partially filled capsules Currently any of three inspectors can be assigned to the visual inspection ask The inspectors, however, differ in accuracy and speed abilities and are paid at slightly different wage rates The differences are as follows:.. Inspector ABC Speed ??(Units per hour) 300 200 350 Accuracy (%) 98 99 96 Hourly wage ($) 5.9 5.2 5.5 Operating on a full 8-hour shift, the Company needs at least 2000 with no Capsules Inspected More than 2% of These Capsules having Inspection errors. In addition, because of the fatigue factor of this inspection process, no one inspector can be assigned this task for more than 4 hours per day. How many hours should each inspector be assigned to the capsule inspection process during an 8-hour day if it is desired to minimize the cost of inspection? What volume will be inspected per day, and what is the daily capsule inspection cost?

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Operation Management: Daily capsule inspection cost
Reference No:- TGS057229

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