
D 943 design a bipolar differential amplifier such as that

D 9.43 Design a bipolar differential amplifier such as that in Fig. 9.18 to operate from ±2.5 V power supplies and to provide differential gain of 60 V/V. The power dissipation in the quiescent state should not exceed 1 mW.
(a) Specify the values of I and RC. What dc voltage appears at the collectors?
(b) If β = 100, what is the input differential resistance?
(c) For vid =10 mV, what is the signal voltage at each of the collectors?
(d) For the situation in (c), what is the maximum allowable value of the input common-mode voltage, VCM? Recall
that to maintain an npn BJT in saturation, vB should not exceed vC by more than 0.4 V.


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English: D 943 design a bipolar differential amplifier such as that
Reference No:- TGS01383256

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