
cytoplasmic reorganisationmeiosis is also

Cytoplasmic Reorganisation

Meiosis is also associated with major reorganisation of the cytoplasm of MMCs and microspores. Microspore mother cell shows high metabolic activity. As meiosis is initiated, the synthetic activity of the cell is reduced. The rate of synthesis of RNA and proteins is drastically reduced. The cell goes through dedifferentiation. The ribosome population of the cell comes down significantly. Even the mitochondria and plastids undergo dedifferentiation, that is, they lose most of the internal membrane system and become spherical bag-like structures. However, small pockets of cytoplasm (consisting 10-20 percent of the total cytoplasm) gets enclosed by membranes and these pockets do not undergo the reorganisation that occurs in the remaining part-of the cytoplasm. Towards the end of meiosis, the microspores restore the synthetic activity. The synthesis of RNA and proteins is initiated, the ribosome population of the cell is restored and the mitochondria and plastids re-differentiate to their normal configuration with internal membrane system and regain their original shape.

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Biology: cytoplasmic reorganisationmeiosis is also
Reference No:- TGS0181572

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