
cytokinesisit is defined as the division or


It is defined  as the division or cleavage  of cytoplasmic  part   of the cells  into  two  daughter  cells. It is first  indicated   during  late  anaphase  by appearance  of an  annular,  indentation  or cleavage furrow upon  cell surface  at  the level  of equatorial  plane  of  spindle  ( same as previously occupied  by metaphase plate.) The  furrow  progress  ively deepens like    a contractile ring  and ultimately splits the  cells into daughter cells  at about  the end  of telohase. Cytoplasmic  microfilaments , including  those of  myosin  and actin   appear to  be involved information   of  the furrow  and  its progressive  contraction . plants  cells  do not  divide  by furrowing  , but  by formation  of a cells   plate  in the plane of meta phase plate,

Before  final cell cleavage, the  main  cytoplasmic   organelles , except  golgi  complex, segregate in polar regions of the  parent cells  so that  they may  be almost  equally distribution to the resultant daughter  cells.

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Biology: cytokinesisit is defined as the division or
Reference No:- TGS0172638

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