
Cyclic heat engine

1) Explain the working principle of anemometer with the neat sketch. Write differences between the accuracy and precision. Determine the limits of tolerance and allowances for a 25mm shaft and hole pair H8d2. Describe the term error and sensitivity of the measuring device with respect to the micrometer. Draw and describe the construction and working of anyone mechanical comparator clearly explaining the magnification method adopted on it. Also state its advantages and disadvantages. Explain the angle gauge blocks? State their use in angle measurement.

2)  Explain briefly the computer aided inspection in detail. Explain the principle of operation of a rolling gear tester with a neat sketch. Specify the errors in the spur gear which may be detected by the rolling gear tester. Specify the Kelvin-Plank statement of second law of thermodynamics. Describe an Isolated system. Explain what is meant by the cyclic heat engine?

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Mechanical Engineering: Cyclic heat engine
Reference No:- TGS013793

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