Customers arrive at MOD Pizza in Galleria area at rate of one every 90 seconds. It takes 80 seconds to assemble a pizza based on customer’s preference. Assume cook is paid $10 per hour and cost of waiting of customers is $30 per hour.
a- What are the arrival and service rates per hour?
b- Find the average time (in minutes) that a customer must wait until a cook assemble his/her pizza?
c- find the average number of cusotmers waiting to place orders
d-Find the utilization rate of this system. Also find the probability that there are two or more customers in the system.
e- Find the total daily cost of the queue (cost of waiting + cost of providing service) if the store operates 12 hours per day. Hint: cost of waiting = avg. wait in queue in hours*number of arrivals per hour* number of working hours per day* cost of customer waiting per hour. Also cost of providing service = number of hours working per day*hourly pay.