- Define strategy (possible short answer)
- What is competitive advantage? (Define sustainable competitive advantage)
- Efficiency vs. Effectiveness
- Deliberate vs. Emergent strategy (realized strategy)
- What is business model? (possible essay question)
- Customer value proposition and profit formula
- Three tests of a winning strategy
- The fit test, The Competitive Advantage Test, The Performance Test
Stage 1
- Developing a strategic vision
- Communicating a strategic vision
- Crafting a mission statement
- Linking the vision and mission with company values
Stage 2
- Financial objectives vs. Strategic Objectives
- SMART Goal Setting (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Reasonable, Timely)
- Balance Scorecard (Customer, Financial, Internal Business and Learning and Growth Perspectives)
Stage 3
- Strategy Making at All Organizational Levels
- Corporate, Business, Functional and Operating Strategies
- Define Strategic Plan
Stage 4
Sage 5
- Evaluating Performance
- Define corporate governance (possible short answer)
- Important obligations of Board of Directors (possible short answer)
Components of Macro-Environment (Figure 3.2) (possible essay answer)
Define macro-environment (possible short answer)
Question 1: Does the industry offer attractive opportunities for growth?
Question 2: What kind of competitive forces are industry members facing, and how strong are they?
Porter 5 model (Rivalry among competitors, Threat of New Entrants, Threat of Substitute Products, Power of Buyers, Power of Suppliers)-(possible essay)-Figure 3.3
Factors affecting the strength of each of these forces (Figure 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 3.8)
Matching Company strategy to Competitive Conditions
Question 3: What factors are driving industry change, and what impacts will they have?
Question 4: How are industry rivals positioned-Who is strongly positioned and who is not?
Define strategic group and strategic group mapping (what can be learned from it?)
Question 5: What strategic moves are rivals likely to make next?
Resource similarity and market communality
What is competitive intelligence?
Question 6: What are the key success factors for future competitive success?
Define KSF
Question 7: Does the industry offer good prospects for attractive profits?
- How well is the company's present strategy working?
- Profitability Ratios (Gross profit margin, operating profit margin, ROA)
- Liquidity Ratios (Current Ratio)
- Leverage Ratios (Debt-to-asset ratio, Debt-to-equity ratio)
- Activity Ratios (Inventory Turnover)
- What are the company's competitively important resources and capabilities?
- Define resource and capability
- The four tests of resource's competitive power (valuable, rare, hard to copy, hard to substitute)-(possible short answer)
- Is the company able to seize market opportunities and nullify external threats?
- Define competence, core competence and distinctive competence
- How to perform SWOT Analysis (Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities, Threats)-¬(possible essay)
- What do the SWOT Listings Reveal?
- Are the company's prices and costs competitive with those of key rivals, and does it have and appealing customer value proposition?
- The concept of a Company Value Chain - (possible essay)
- Value chain for the industry (4.4) - (possible essay)
- Define benchmarking
- Improving the efficiency and effectiveness of internally performed and supplier-related value chain activities
- Translating proficient performance of value chain activities into competitive advantage
- Question 5: Is the company competitively stronger or weaker than key rivals?
- Five generic competitive strategies (overall low-cost, broad differentiation, focused low-cost, focused differentiation, best-cost provider)- (possible essay)
- Advantages and disadvantages of each of these strategies
- Impact of value chain activities for each of these strategies(possible essay)
- When each of these strategies works best?
- Cost driver vs. unique driver(possible short answer)
- Choosing the Basis for Competitive Attack
- Which Rivals should you attack?
- Blue-Ocean Strategy (possible short answer)
- Advantages and disadvantages of first-mover and late-mover
- Define scope of the firm (vertical vs. horizontal scope)-(possible short answer)
- Horizontal merger and acquisition strategies
- Vertical integration (advantages and disadvantages)
- Define outsourcing-(possible short answer)
- Define strategic alliances (joint-venture) and discuss about the benefits and drawbacks