
customer relations mgmt technologiesyoull

Customer Relations Mgmt. Technologies

You'll remember that we're pursuing a common task throughout the Project assignments in all Modules -- that is, the development of a CRM audit/plan for a company or organization you've chosen. Specifically, for the Session Long Project for this Module, you are to continue researching the CRM practices of your target firm or organization, with particular emphasis on decisions about products, pricing, and related issues.

â?¢How has technology changed the way CRM is performed with respect to advertising, communication and promotion. How important are blogs, posting boards and comment sites to the customer and company ? Or is there no substitute for human contact, albeit with a de-emphasis on the over-dependence of Corporate American to link you with "Fred from Anaheim", which as we all know is really a suburb of New Delhi?
â?¢How has information technology, encompassing the internet, cell phone communication, and the issue of portability (laptops, pda's, wireless, the Iphone, etc) impacted the customer's ability to compare products and pricing ? And what are some of the approaches companies are using to take advantage of this click of a keystroke "'net surf shopping" habit
â?¢Finally, comment on how information technology has changed the distribution of products and services in general and identify one or two specific examples of the ( in some cases) radical alteration of business operational procedures driven by the power now at the fingertips of every consumer with a computer or wireless phone.

You don't need to go into great detail about any of these activities, but the more you can sketch out, the more complete your understanding of the effects of CRM on your company will be.

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Business Management: customer relations mgmt technologiesyoull
Reference No:- TGS0474924

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