
customer indexingcustomer indexing ci is a method

Customer Indexing:

Customer indexing (CI) is a method for enumerating the total number of consumers in a utility and tagging them to their respective poles, transformers and feeders.

The purpose of CI is to identify revenue leakages by way of consumers who are not billed or billed under improper category and to generate a master list of consumers. Distribution utilities in the country, today, suffer from lack of Management Information System (MIS) based on validated and correct data of entities and consumers. Owing to the wide geographical spread of utilities and dynamic nature of huge data of consumers, it is always a challenge to obtain data from field on real time basis to generate MIS for quick and timely decision making. Data created manually in registers/ledgers by line men and meter readers travels to the top management without adequate checks and balances en-route. This output in defective work estimates and consequent delays.

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Electrical Engineering: customer indexingcustomer indexing ci is a method
Reference No:- TGS0203656

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