Submit a paper in accordance with Harvard styleand in around 8 pages (2,000 words) word document regarding INTERNATIONAL MARKERTING

Kevin Keller (Strategic Brand Management) describes the stages of building a brand Starting at the bottom level of the pyramid, shown how your chosen brand has achieved each of the following steps:
1. Who are you? Brand Salience (Identity)
2. What are you? Brand Performance and Brand Imagery (Meaning)
3. What about you? Consumer reactions (Responses)
4. What about you and me? Consumer Brand Resonance (Relationships)
Your task is to explain your chosen brand using this model. You are allowed to use maximum of 12 slides and submit the soft copy of your slides along with detailed speaker notes.
Answer the 4 questions from the viewpoint of your brand using the 6 building blocks in the pyramid above.
Choose ONE brand from Interbrand’s Top 100 Global Brands:
This must not be the same brand as you choose in Assignment 010 – Individual presentation You are a senior marketing consultant working for ‘Global Marketing Solutions plc.’ Your chosen globalbrand has commissioned you to produce a report that answers the following questions:
Answer ALL of the following questions:
1. Critically analyse the extent that the chosen global brand’s marketing mix is standardised and/or adapted across international markets. Conclude by providing a 2-3 paragraph summary that discusses whether you consider this to be an appropriate strategy(s). Remember to support your answer.
2. Discuss which Internationalisation Process Theory (IPT) ‘best’ describes the internationalisation process that your chosen global brand has undertaken. Again, remember to support your answer.