
Current us system to deliver long-term care

Response the below:

Q: What will an insurer do if it learns that an applicant misstated his or her age on a life insurance application? Buster Brow knowingly tells the insurer his age is 28 when he is actually 38. What effect will this lie have on his insurance contract? What action should the insurer if the misstatement is found out after Buster dies?

Long-term care insurance will be needed by an increasing number of Americans in the next few decades. But why isn't it popular now? Are there any problems with the current U.S. system to deliver long-term care? What are they? What is the purpose of long-term care insurance?

APA Information

• In-text and reference citations are required for all written responses.

• 200 word minimum response required for each question

Dorfman, M. S. (2008). Introduction to risk management and insurance (9th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall

Much of the oral communication that goes on in business is the informal, person-to-person communication that occurs whenever people get together. Analyze and explain how the elements of good talking help us to communicate better?

 Understanding the differences between virtual and face-to-face presentations is certainly becoming more important as business needs grow. Assess and explain the principal differences between face-to-face and virtual presentations. As an attendee or class participant, is seeing and interacting with the presenter of critical importance to you. Why or why not?

What are the prevailing attitudes in your culture toward the following: Negotiating methods, Truth in advertising, Company-worker loyalty, Women's place in society, and the Protestant work ethic. Explain how these attitudes can affect your communication with nonnatives?

On a recent trip to India, Mr. Yang, a prominent Chinese executive, dined with his client Himanshu Jain. Mr. Yang commented that the food was spicy, which Mr. Jain interpreted as an opportunity to discuss Indian cuisine. After lengthy explanations, Mr. Yang commented again that the food was spicy. What happened? What barrier is likely getting in the way of clear communication and how could this barrier have been overcome.

APA Information

• In-text and reference citations are required for all written responses.

• 200 word minimum response required for each response

Lesikar, R. V., Flatley, M. E., & Rentz, K. (2008). Business communication: Making connections in a digital world (11th ed.). Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill

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