
Current trends in macro-microeconomics


The Microsoft antitrust trial (United States vs. Microsoft) has been one of the biggest investigations of antitrust behavior since the turn of the century. Split your group into two sides: one that supports the government side, and one that support's Microsoft's side. Work (via email, small group discussion board, and small group drop box) with the members of your side of the group to research and present a cohesive argument to the other side. As a group, present your argument in a Word document.

Identify current trends in macro and microeconomics.

Critically examine market structures, consumer behavior, production costs, and international trade.

Critically analyze the role of government in a market economy.

Discuss the impact of technology on business.

Use effective communication techniques.

I would like to have my side on the government.

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Microeconomics: Current trends in macro-microeconomics
Reference No:- TGS01839027

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