
Current thesis about your employment situation


Project instructions:

Part 1:

Write out your Plan A. Remember that Plan A is your current plan, your current thesis about your employment situation. For the purposes of this class I want you to consider, really consider, the job you plan to have just after graduation. For example, if you are double majoring in accounting and entrepreneurship and are planning on looking for a job at a small accounting firm after graduation describe that will look like and the skills you need to achieve your Plan A. Assess your complete competitive advantage in achieving your Plan A based on how we have discussed competitive advantage in our class related to the Startup of You.

Next describe your Plan B very broadly! To continue the example above, your Plan B might involve starting your own business, moving to a larger or smaller firm, going back to school ? or maybe even all three. Briefly and broadly describe what your Plan B looks like at this point in your life AND list the specific skills that you will need to pivot to this Plan B from your Plan A. Draw from and build upon the skills you identified in earlier assignments and be specific, complete and thoughtful. Then assess the hard and soft assets you will need to put yourself in the best position to pivot to your Plan B.

Then, describe your Plan Z. What is your life boat? Do you have everything you need to pivot to Plan Z right away? If not, what do you need to do to shore up your Plan Z to make it a true safety net.

Finally, after you have identified your personal development priorities and opportunities related to your plans, create a realistic action plan to develop your soft AND hard assets ? including at least 1 soft asset you can develop this semester outside of the normal structure of your classes. This could include becoming more proficient in English, Adobe products, website development, CPA prep, LSAT/ GMAT prep, etc. Make it personal and make sure it is a high priority item!

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Other Subject: Current thesis about your employment situation
Reference No:- TGS01437304

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