
Current price of a share of starbucks stock

Go to the website of Starbucks Corporation and find information that you would use in developing a company profile. Click on the company, and then click on and read the brief Company Fact Sheet and Mission Statements. Then go back to the about us page and click on investor relations. Click on stock information and find the current price of the company's stock and the high and low price of each share during the past year.

What is the current price of a share of Starbucks stock (include the date of your post and your source)? What was the high and low price of a share of Starbucks stock during the past year? Does Starbucks Corporation appear to have an operating philosophy that is similar or dissimilar to other corporations? Do you think this philosophy is serving Starbucks well? (Cite your sources.)

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Finance Basics: Current price of a share of starbucks stock
Reference No:- TGS048767

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