
Current leadership strengths and development needs

Case Study:

Leadership: A Transferrable Skill

Self-Reflected Summary of Current Leadership Strengths and Development Needs

Employers are very interested in an applicant's ‘people skills' such as communication, interpersonal abilities, multi-culture sensibility, teamwork, and leadership. These are considered transferrable skills (applicable to any job, in any company, in any industry). Because your education/degree is generally proof of your technical skills, interviewers will generally ask a few, very direct questions (easily answered) about what you can actually do; and many, indirect and obtuse questions (harder to answer) about your people skills and personal attributes (integrity, dependability, etc.). Often these questions are direct, and ask you to state and explain your ‘strengths and weaknesses' - so - the smart (and well-prepared) interviewee has already thought about how to answer this question.

Overview of Individual Project - Self-Reflected Summary

The purpose is to assist you in not only answering the tough interview questions (what are your strengths and weaknesses) but in also phrasing your answers to highlight your leadership skills and abilities (a transferrable skill that every business organization needs).
To this end, Part D consists of completing a final insight/self-assessment (located at the end of this document); taking a second look at your Part B and the previous fifteen (15) insight assessments; and then submitting a 2-4 page reflective summary of your leadership orientation, your 3 or 4 current leadership strengths, and your 2 or 3 leadership skills, abilities, and/or traits that you believe you need to further develop to become an effective leader.

Explanation of Requirements and Evaluation Criteria

1. IMPORTANT - go back and re-read the twelve (12) reflective summaries you have submitted for the (15) insight assessments you should have completed for Part A (each insight was related to a different leadership competency and/or aspect of leadership) and the assessments and summary of your Part B (the summary was used to identify your current leadership strengths and development needs).

2. Then complete Insight 12.3 (located at the end of this document) assessment tool and reflect upon what it tells you about your leadership orientation and potential strengths-weaknesses as an effective leader.

3. Based upon all of your reflections, write a 2 - 4 page, double-line spaced summary in 12 pt. Times New Roman font, with the bolded title of Reflective Overview of My(meaning your)Leadership Skills and Abilities, followed by you name on the next line. Your summary should provide the reader (meaning the instructor) an overall picture/explanation of your current leadership strengths (3 or 4) and the areas/competencies you feel require further development (2 or 3).

The following criteria will be used for evaluation:


I believe charisma is a thing that you are not born with, is just skills or abilities that everyone can develop. We all have a degree of charisma, and working to increase Charisma can help you to attract more positively. By knowing your strength and weakness on your charisma can help you in your entire life.

Based on the result I got, I realized that I have some weaknesses in some points. for example, I thought that I have to worry most about current competitive issues. Also, I tend to persuade people by using logic. Now I realize that sometimes I have to persuade people emotionally because people can get persuade by emotion easily. However, logic doesn't work with everyone. I think it is hard for me to persuade people by using emotion. One of my weaknesses is, that I prefer to communicate via a written report instead of just a one-page chart. I realized that written report has a lot of details and extra information that is not necessary to the person who I am communicating with. Also, I figured out that I have to increase in confidence. Because having confidence play a big role in charisma. But it is not easy to build your charisma. Nevertheless, I believe that I can develop these weaknesses to improve my charisma.

On the other hands, I have some strength in some other points. those can help me to improve myself in my life and job. In my experience, living abroad forced me to build my charisma. however, I have to work on my strength and develop my weaknesses to build my charisma.

Insight 4


1 management awareness:

2 social awareness:

3 relationship awareness:

Emotional intelligence is the ability to recognize your emotions, understand what they are telling you. Also, understanding other people's feeling and control both emotions. We all have different personalities, different needs and wants, and different ways to express our emotions.
Based on the score I got, I figured out that I have some weaknesses in my emotional intelligence. Especially in management awareness, I need to build myself in that to move forward. By taking courses like Six Sigma and many other courses that related to management awareness can help to develop it. Also, learn how to have a strategy before I do my job and a clear plan for what am I going to do. All these ways can help me to build my management awareness. However, it is not easy to build and will take time.
I had average scores of the types of emotional intelligent. But, if I want to be better I need to hit higher score and that will help me to get a better job. One of my goals is to develop my self-awareness because I think it is important to have high self-awareness. It encourages me to ask for honest feedback. I know that receiving feedback is hard. However, we all have traits the others see but we are unable to see in ourselves. By these things, I can develop myself in self-awareness.

Insight 5

An effective team leadership has different traits and characteristics that encourage team members to follow him. Team leaders naturally have certain qualities, such as compassion and integrity, or learn leadership skills through formal training and experience.
Based on the score I got, I figured out that I have to develop my effective team leadership. There are many ways to develop team leadership. I should have a clear vision and take a time to share the vision and goal with my team. Also, provide a clear path that team can follow. Include the team strategic planning sessions by asking the members for feedback. One of the skills that I have to improve is communication skill, by being. able to clearly and specifically communicate the vision, goal, skills, intentions, and expectations to others. Also, include your ability to listen to what other people are consciously or unconsciously communicating. To become a great communicator, continually strive to improve your verbal nonverbal and listening skills. One other skill that I have to improve is motivated others to greatness. Also, looking beyond the obvious and see others with insight and compassion. I have to be willing to admit and learn from failures and weaknesses. The most successful leaders know that key of success to learn from mistakes. Lastly, I will continue to educate and improve myself to be an effective leadership in every possible way.

Insight 6
Independent thinking:

5 active engagement:

6Followership style: Conformist

Followership is the response of people in subordinate positions to those in senior ones. It is a social relationship between the leader, followers, and group. Good followers are accountable for their actions. They can also influence the leader's view.
Based on the score I got, I realized the a have some weaknesses in independent thinking. Independent thinking can be developed by freedom of thoughts. Exploring ventures and opportunities will also lead to need to develop independent thinking, and this will encourage positive self-respect to grow. I have to be able to develop my unique abilities in a way that works best for them. Also, one of the important things that accepting personal limitation will enable the others to understand. Being able to think independently opens up a wealth of potential knowledge. It makes me become more discerning about things that others hear, see, and believe.
I got a very good score on active engagement but I need to develop it in some area. I believe that I have to take initiative to seek out and go above and beyond my job to develop my active engagement. Also, I would take the chance to contribute at a high level even if I am not the leader. these will improve my active engagement.

Insight 7
Dominating items:

1 Avoiding items:

2 Compromising items:

3 Accommodating items:

4 Collaborating items:

People have different viewpoints and, under the right set of circumstances, those differences increased to conflict. How we handle that conflict determines whether it works to team's advantage, or contributes to its demise. Understanding and appreciating the various viewpoints involved in conflict are key factors in its resolution.

Based on the scores I got, I was not surprised about the low score in avoiding. Because I am the not kind of person who always avoiding to discuss disagreement. However, I have to improve myself in compromising. I believe that compromising is a big step toward conflict resolution. by both courage and consideration can lead the partner look for common ground. Also, agree to negotiate larger points and let go of smaller point will help me more to improve compromising.
Collaborating plays a major role within conflict resolution. listening to the other partners and discussing areas of agreement and goals, and ensuring that all partners understand each other will help me a lot to improve the self in collaboration. I was surprised that I got high score in accommodating. However, accommodating the other partner requires a lot of cooperation. It is basically, agree to accommodate other partner by acknowledging and accepting his /her point of view or suggestion.

insight 8

1-2 Physiological and health needs: 2

3-4 Economic and safety needs: 2

5-6 Belonging and social needs: 2

7-8 Esteem needs:2

9-12 Self-actualization needs: 3

Average point: 11

Based on Maslow's theory, he wanted to understand what motivates people. He believes that people possess a set of motivation systems. Maslow stated that people are motivated to achieve certain needs.
Based on the score I got, it shows the have meet a high job need. There are many reasons for that. First, I feel more safe because I have to follow the safety rules during my job. Also, I was satisfied with what I'm getting paid. The environment was good out there and I have a lot of friends that I'm still being in touch with them. That due to all people appreciated me at work. Every cupule months I learned new tasks that makes me develop myself and get more experience. I feel that I was giving my potential to job which makes my work finish on time in high efficiency. With all that I feel more interned in my job, because there are challenging tasks that make me more creative and think for solution to solve the problems.

Insight 9



Communication is one of most important skill we can even learn. It leads everything that we do weather we are communicating at work to meet deadlines and achieve results, or communicating with friends, family, and partners to build a strong relationship.
I got an average score, means that I have to improve my communicating skills anyhow. So, there are many skills that I have to improve. First, I have to communicate with people more, but I must be calm down before I start a conversation to take the stress out. Also, using nonverbal communication and active listening will help me a lot to improve my communication skills. Developing the ability to understand and use nonverbal communication can my connect with others.
On the other hand, being an active listener will lead to be an effective communicator. Paying attention is one of the skills that I have to improve to be an active listener. Also, showing that I am listening to the person who is talking to me, smile, and use other facial expressions. Respond appropriately on of the skills that I am going to develop, by being open and honest in my response and asserting my opinions respectfully. Providing a feedback by paraphrasing what he/she is saying and summarizing the speaker comment. All these skills need to improve to be an active listener.

Insight 10

1) Personal ethical beliefs:

2) Actively benefiting from being unethical action

3) Passively benefiting from questionable action

4) Actively benefiting from questionable action

5) Acting on an opportunistic situation

6) No harm/no foul

Ethical maturity:

As human beings, we all have our own values, beliefs, and attitudes that we have developed throughout our lives. Family, friends, community and the experiences we have had all contribute to our sense of who we are and how we view the world.
Based on the score I got, I realized that I got below the average score. Comparing to other student, I had different scores. It means that we disagree on some unethical action. For example, some students see that comparing work assignments with classmates before turning the work to the instructor is unethical action. But from my view I accepted it because I do not consider it as cheating it is the same if I ask the tutor for example. Also, some students see that being allowed to do extra work to some students is ethical action, but from my view I considered as unethical action. Because it is not assigned to all student which is not fair.
Ethical maturity is the ability not only t judge right from wrong, but to make the right choice when issues in conflict. I got an average score for the ethical maturity insight, I realized the I am in the middle ground. I will improve my ethical maturity to concerned more with values and other people that with self-interest. Also, I have to admit my mistakes and failures and learn from them to not make the same mistake. Being able to forgive myself soon after serious mistake will help to develop my ethical maturity.

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Business Management: Current leadership strengths and development needs
Reference No:- TGS01780302

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