Current event of criminal law

Question 1: A New York man decided to discipline his truant son by beating him with a stick of beef jerky. The man now faces seven years in prison after being charged with 2nd degree assault. Why is the man being punished, granted a second degree beating and a hospital trip sounds like a lot more than discipline. If it wasn't, does the instrument matter? I was "spanked" growing up and never thought of calling the police. Have any laws changed or is this strictly a case of a man taking things way too far?

Question 2: A recent stroy which can be found at, tells a case about a man named jose padilla. he is allegedly a terrorist who is commander of the charelston brig. he bascially got in trouble for proposing a bomb idea to a top al queda coordinator. the bomb idea was a bomb that would distribute radioactive debris. well this case has to do with weahter the Padilla should be tried in the united states because he is a U.S. citizen.

Well his charge is obviously one of the highest magnitued. this would maybe called a felony, but probably something beyond that. his case has already be reviewed by the supreme court and they claimed his case should not have been filled in new york. As far as his case goes i cant see him defending himself on intocications or insanity. He has basicaly been found red handed for his crimes. in his case it would probably be safe to say he will plead the 5th to avoid self incrimination. The odds seem to be against him and people are trying to pin anybody who shows any evidence towards terrorism. This man basically has a lot ahead of him and presdient bush has already labled him an enemy combtant. this man if convicted faces a strong sentence, possible a life senctence.

Question 3. Give a current event of criminal law similar to case #2, could be anything news taht apply some concepts of criminal laws in it.

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Business Law and Ethics: Current event of criminal law
Reference No:- TGS01442570

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