
Current efficiency-energy efficiency using electroplating

Question 1)a) Explain the following terms with reference to speed time curves of train service a) Crest speed b) Average Speed c) Schedule Speed

b) Define specific energy consumption and describe the various factors on which it depends.

c) Describe with a neat sketch Electron beam welding and mention its applications.

Question 2)a) A train runs between two stations 1.6Km apart at the average speed of 40Kmph. The acceleration, retardations during coasting and braking are 2Kmph/sec, 0.16Kmph/sec and 3.2Kmph/sec respectively. Determine the duration of acceleration, coasting and braking also find the distance covered during these periods.

Question 3)a) The energy released during the oxidation of 2kg hydrogen into water is 30×107 joules. The E.C.E of hydrogen is 1.0384×10-8Kg/C. Determine the voltage required during the electrolysis of water.

Question 4)a) What are the factors that have to be considered while preparing a work material for welding?

b) Define Current Efficiency and Energy Efficiency as referred to Electroplating.

Question 5)a) Describe with the help of characteristics of D.C. series motors their suitability for electric traction.

b) A single phase, 220V, 15KW resistance oven employs nickel-chrome wire for its heating elements. If the wire temperature is not to exceed 1,000C and the temperature of the charge is to be 600C, calculate the diameter and length of the wire. Assume radiating efficiency to be 0.6, and emissivity as 0.9. For nickel-chrome, resistivity is 1.016×10-6ohm-meter. Find also the temperature of the wire, when the charge is cold.

c) With a neat sketch describe the working of a pantograph current collector used in electric traction.

d) Find the thickness of the copper deposited on a plate area of 0.00025 m2 during electrolysis, if a current of 1A is passed for 100minutes. Density of copper is 8,900Kg/m3 and E.C.E of copper=32.95×10-8 Kg/C.

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Other Engineering: Current efficiency-energy efficiency using electroplating
Reference No:- TGS06259

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