
Current distribution of income a cost to our economy


The purpose of the Discussion Board (DB) is for each person to be productively engaged with their fellow students in the learning process. Each semester the Discussion Board will relate to an economic problem or issue within the “real world” of Macroeconomics.

Regarding Item: A strong Initial Contribution is one that: a) is well thought-out in compliance with the “Specific Requirements”, Section II below, b) is between 500 and 550 words in length (about one page, single space, Arial 11 font ), and c) contributes in a legitimate way to the class’ overall learning process.

Your Initial Contribution (IC) should employ the concepts described in the Course Theme outlined in the PREFACE of your text and/or e-text. The Course Theme is “Making Good Choices” (in the Webcom e-text see the sequence: Lesson Units / Introduction/ PREFACE). Your IC should also employ some of the additional concepts covered in Lessons 1 through 4 of the course. Tell why you hold a certain opinion and why you agree or disagree with another student’s “Initial Contribution” or a particular “Response” that a student has posted. Try to make your dialogue easy to follow. Consider the concepts and data in Lesson 4 that describe the Personal Distribution of Income in our society. Also perform an internet search using that key term to obtain the most recent data … and to obtain various “normative” points of view regarding this topic. The assignment for the Initial Contribution (Item 1) is to post your basic view on this topic. Your initial posting on this topic should be approximately 500 to 600 words.

Questions to consider (an average of 100 to 120 words on each question below with perhaps a little less on the first four questions and a little more on the last question ) –

1. In what primary way is the current Distribution of Income a BENEFIT to our economy and to our society ? Why do you think so?

2. In what primary way is the current Distribution of Income a COST to our economy and to our society ? Why do you think so?

3. Should the Federal Government make a CHOICE to try to influence the Distribution of Income through tax policy and social programs? Should the goal be: a) an exactly equal distribution, b) a somewhat more (or less) equal distribution, c) a slightly more (or less) equal distribution … or d) the government should not try to influence the distribution at all ?

4. In your view, what is the primary UNCERTAINTY and the primary RISK of a Federal Government choice to try (or not to try) to influence the present Distribution of Income ?

5. What is your interpretation of Figure 4.6 on Page 77 of our textbook and how would you change those figures if you had the power to do so ? What would be the Benefit, the Cost, the primary Uncertainty and the primary Risk of the changes that you would make ?

it would be good to provide a link to at least one article that supports your position on any of the five questions above.

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Microeconomics: Current distribution of income a cost to our economy
Reference No:- TGS01428306

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