
Current check-out process at wal-mart

Task: Based on the attached selected current process of Wal-Mart, I am seeking your help in order to create a flowchart that depicts the current process that will enable me to write my own paper.

Current Check-Out Process at Wal-Mart:

• A row of check-out lanes is located at the front of the store.

• An open check-out lane is manned by a Wal-Mart employee; all check-out lanes are not open at all times. The check-out lane is equipped with a moving conveyor belt so items continuously move forward to the Wal-Mart checker.

• Customer brings items to the check-out lane and waits in line after any customers already in line.

• Customer places items to be purchased on the check-out lane's conveyor belt.

• Wal-Mart checker scans the item(s) and bags the item(s) for the customer.

• Cost for the items is totaled by the checker using the computer, and the total amount due is told to the customer.

• Customer pays for items via cash, check, debit card, credit card, or gift card.

• Customer is given receipt along with the items and exits the store.

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Other Management: Current check-out process at wal-mart
Reference No:- TGS01863344

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