What are the curent demographics of the neighborhood? Northwood in Baltimore
Project description
Double spaced paper :analysing a baltimore neighborhood using the vital signs 12 data to give the following description of Northwood .
1-What are the curent demographics of the neighborhood?.
2-Based on the data, what are the most signoficant quality of life characteristitics of this neighboehood (good,bad).a.Quality of life characteristics:
Housing/Community Development
Children and Family Health.
Work force and Economic Development.
3-Based on your analysis, what are the areas of most need versus the areas of that show the most progress in the the selected neighborhood( which is Northwood)?
As with all essays, your information needs to be cited within the text (including citing all images) and include a works cited in APA format. I am looking for quality writing, and would assume that your essay should be at least two pages (aside from any inserted images).