
culture difference in time value judgement and

Culture Difference in Time Value, Judgement and Persuasion

1. What are some of the reasons it might be beneficial to speak a second or third language? For those who speak multiple languages, in what places, relationships, and settings do you use different languages?

2. Cultures use and value time differently. What kinds of judgments might be made of those who use time differently from the ways that your culture does? How might one resolve a cultural conflict about the use and value of time?

3. Why might one make judgments about others because they spoke more loudly or softly, or more rapidly or more slowly, than another person? If so, what might the judgments be? How are these judgments connected to cultural differences in vocal communication?

4. How would you describe your culture's persuasive style? How do your own preferred ways of persuading others reflect your culture's persuasive style?

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Business Management: culture difference in time value judgement and
Reference No:- TGS0475315

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