
Culture and leadership - behavior of leaders affects

Synthesis please use these three themes:

Culture and leadership

Behavior of leaders' affects subordinates

Leaders relationship/performance affects productivity

Synthesis Paper

You will be using the annotated bibliography and outline that you created within Module 2 to complete this assignment for Module 4 and Module 5 annotated bibliography and outline to complete your Module 7 assignment. You will use this same template for both your Module 4 and Module 7 papers. Please ensure that you view the instructor feedback from your Module 2/Module 5 assignment PRIOR to completing this assignment.This is the introduction. It should capture the reader's interest and introduce the topic about to be discussed and it should be SUPPORTED BY ACADEMIC RESEARCH with in-text citations. This is your opportunity to add creativity and your own unique style to the paper. The intro must also include the thesis statement, which explicitly states your goals for the paper. Make sure you have an interesting thesis. The statement "The purpose of this paper is .." is boring and does not excite the reader or give them insight as to what is to come within your paper. Although I am using "you" and "I" right now, NEVER USE THE WORD "YOU" IN AN ACADEMIC PAPER. "One" is not much better, either. Avoid using first person language. Some authors do it, so you will see it in academic journals, but at this stage of the game, practice writing in the third person. When you have mastered academic writing in the third person (after your dissertation), or if future professors tell you it's acceptable, then you can use first person until then avoid first person writing at all costs!

You SHOULD NOT introduce the articles by title, author, etc. Instead, you should present your ideas with support from the articles. You should not include a separate section for the synthesis rather the synthesis should occur throughout. Also, each time you cite the authors, you must include the year of publication. For works with 1-2 authors, cite each author's name on each citation. For works for 3-5 authors, cite all authors on the first citation and then the first author's last name followed by et al. on subsequent citations. For works with 6 or more authors, cite the first author's last name followed by et al. from the first citation.

Do not quote the annotated bibliography, the assignment directions, or include a separate section for the synthesis. Do not mention the annotated bibliography, the assignment directions, OR EVEN THE WORD SYNTHESIS.Synthesis is something which should occur throughout your paper not in a particular location. The outline, annotated bibliography, and assignment directions are tools meant to help you prepare for writing this paper. Do not mention the doctoral program, the class, or the assignment. Pretend that you are presenting your analysis of these three articles for a conference of academic peers, and write for that audience. You should assume that your reader has never read the articles and has no background knowledge. Provide enough information that despite no prior knowledge the reader will be informed based upon your writing.

Finish your introduction with a transition to what the reader can look forward to in the remainder of your paper.Keep in mind that paragraphs must be longer than one sentence and in general should be between three and five sentences with a single idea presented within that paragraph.Your paper should be no longer than 3,000 words. Remember, this is a synthesis paper NOT a comparison paper

Articles that must be used:

Hayyat Malik, S. (2012). A study of relationship between leader behaviors and subordinate job expectancies: a path-goal approach. Pakistan Journal of Commerce & Social

Sciences, 6(2), pp. 357-371.

Hwang, S., Quasi, L., Center, B., Chung, C., Hahn, H., Wohkittel (2015). The impact of leadership behaviors on leaders perceived job performance across cultures: comparing the role of charismatic, directive, participative, and supportive leadership behaviors in the U. S. and four Confucian Asian countries. Human Resource Development International 18 (3), pp. 259-277.

Jiaxin, H., Lin, W., & Jun, X. (2014). Leader-member exchange and organizational citizenship behavior: The roles of identification with leader and leader''s reputation. Social Behavior & Personality: An International Journal, 42(10), 1699-1711.

Kramer, W. S., and Shuttler, M. L. (2014). Cultures, consequences, for leadership. The role of context in affecting leadership perceptions and performance. Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Perspectives on Science and Practice, 7 (2), pp. 199-203

Lee, K., Scandura, T., Sharif, M. (2014). Cultures have consequences: A configural approach to leadership across two cultures. The Leadership Quarterly, 25, pp. 692-710.

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