
Cultural & social dimensions of wholeness and healing

Question 1: (This question has two parts; please identify them as 1A and 1B.)  Think about what you read in Chapter Eleven pages 277-288 (Cultural & Social Dimensions of Wholeness and Healing) and Prof. Lasher's lecture about the variety of ways that wholeness & healing are experienced in the context of religious traditions, as presented in Chapter Eleven.  Select two of the stories featured in Episode 5 and/or 6 of Belief and describe briefly how each illustrate(s)/exemplifies the different ways that wholeness & healing are experienced (as that was topic was presented in the Chapter Eleven reading, pp. 277-288).  Be specific--indicate the page number from Chapter Eleven that you are referring to when you discuss the film, and clearly identify the stories/topics from Belief (Episodes 5 or 6) that you are referring to.  Please provide two separate responses to this same question (i.e., select two different stories/persons from the Belief episodes) and identify your answers by labelling them 1A and 1B.

Question 2: (This question has two parts; please identify them as 2A and 2B.) Please briefly review your notes and materials from our previous module on Chapter Ten, in which models of relationality and the contrast between Eastern & Western religious experiences of the Sacred are compared. Think about your viewing of Episodes 5 and 6 of the Belief film series, and answer the following questions with specific reference to the episodes:

2A Select one story/person (from either episode) who is representative of the Eastern religious experience of the Sacred. Identify TWO FEATURES in this person's story that exemplify CONCEPTS that we studied that are typical and/or representative of an Eastern religious experience of the Sacred.  Be specific!  Describe how the person's story/experience exemplifies the meaning of each of the two concepts you have identified.

2B Select one story/person (from either episode) who represents a Western religious tradition and its experience of the Sacred. Identify TWO FEATURES in this person's story that exemplify CONCEPTS that we studied that are typical and/or representative of a Western religious experience of the Sacred.  Be specific!  Describe how the person's story/experience exemplifies the meaning of each of the two concepts you have identified.

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Reference No:- TGS03328670

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