
Cultural racial and ethnic groups have mixed and interacted

Cultural, racial and ethnic groups have mixed and interacted throughout recorded history, often peacefully, such as through trade, but too often violently, in war. We are all products of this cross-cultural contact and mixing. However, modern transportation and other advances in technology, such as the internet, make cross-cultural contacts even faster and easier than ever, bringing new challenges. Meanwhile, modern weapons technology makes cross-cultural conflict ever more dangerous! In the countries and cultures of the so-called "rich world," including the USA, Canada, western Europe, Austrailia and Japan, there is great concern about the challenges raised by large scale immigration from the poorer and culturally different nations.

1. Why are people in the richer, western world cultures, like the US and western Europe, so concerned about the influx of immigrants from different cultures? What differences in cultural practices might cause friction and conflict?   

2. What, in your opinion, are three of the most specific concerns, and are these concerns legitimate and reasonable? Why or why not?

3. What, if anything, can or should be done about these concerns?

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Reference No:- TGS0755896

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