
Cultural excursion paper

Cultural Excursion Paper:

Paper details

“National Museum of American Jewish History” https://www.nmajh.org/ .


During the semester, students will select a site to visit that will allow students to immerse themselves into a specific cultural group other than their own.  This experience should relate to the culture, not to an individual from a particular culture and should relate to practice, ie: focus on a cultural group you may one day care for.  Students may visit this site individually, or with other class members. Examples of culturally relevant sites are museums, shrines, exhibits, or theatre experiences that are culturally specific to an ethnic group in the United States.  To be a unique learning experience for this course, students are encouraged to select a site that they have not previously visited for another reason (ie. If you have already visited the Amish in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, do not write up your report based on this previous experience). Attending church services, shopping, and dining at restaurants do not meet the criteria of this assignment.  This field visit will account for one class period.  If a student has any doubt of the relevance of the site chosen, he or she should discuss it with the professor prior to the excursion.

Each student will submit a narrative report (limit 2 pages of text) that describes the site visited as well as their reflections about what they came to understand about the cultural group related to the site chosen.  No references are required.  If students visit a site in pairs, or a small group, each individual student is responsible to submit a field visit reportThe guidelines are as follows:

1. The site chosen for the field visit is relevant to the course objectives.

2. The field visit is described in sufficient detail for the reader to gain an overall picture of what the experience entailed.

3. Details regarding the types of exhibits/artifacts/and/or guided tours are included

4. Challenges associated with the field visit are included (ie: parking, ease in finding, handicap access, admission costs, hours of operation). 

5. Personal reflections that reveal what insight(s) about the cultural group were gained from this experience and its effect on the individual student is included.

6. Correct grammar and spelling, with adherence to APA format, 6th ed.  Written in 3rd person.  Refer to self as the visitor or the writer.  

Note: Contact information regarding sites in the greater Philadelphia area can be obtained at the following web site: www.philly.gov.  At the top of the home page, select “Philadelphia Visitors” and once this page opens, scroll down to the bottom of the page to select a specific museum or art/cultural event for specific information.

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