
Cultural considerations in standardized testing


Cultural Considerations in Standardized Testing

Conduct a literature search (through ProQuest, Ebsco Host, etc.) and review 5-7 articles on multicultural issues and standardized test use with a particular population (special population) of your choice. Popular magazines, news articles, and unpublished articles will not be allowed. The literature review should focus on the most current information (past five to ten years).

Your discussion should include the following:

1. Cultural, language, family, ethnic, etc. factors that the test user should take into consideration when selecting a particular test for this population.

2. Multicultural issues to consider when administering particular tests to this population.

3. Multicultural issues that can lead to incorrect interpretations, and evaluations and explanations of test performance.

4. Language proficiency, language comprehension, and writing related issues in the administration and interpretation of test scores for this population.

5. Examples of test adaptations used for this population or suggestions on how to make adaptations to the administration of test.

6. Suggestions on how to improve the reliability and validity of test interpretation with this population.

7. Multicultural guidelines to be considered when assessing populations of various cultural backgrounds.

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Other Subject: Cultural considerations in standardized testing
Reference No:- TGS01891238

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