This assignment follows a programming pattern called MVC (the Model, View, Controller) pattern. You have been provided with the view and controller classes but you will be required to implement several modelling classes.
The modelling classes are from the popular card game, Uno. Each class you're required to implement has a specification that is outlined in this document. A specification is a description of each method in a class as well as their parameters and return values.
Once you have implemented the modelling classes, you will have completed a digital version of Uno that follows the MVC pattern.
Uno is a card based game consisting primarily of cards with both a colour and a number. Each player starts with a deck of seven cards. The player whose cards are visible is the starting player. Once the player makes a move by selecting their card to play, their cards will be hidden and it will move to the next players turn.
There are two piles in the middle of the board. The left pile is the pickup pile, a player should click this pile if they have no cards to play, it will add a card to their deck. The right pile is the putdown pile, a player has to pick a card from their deck which matches the card on top of the putdown pile.
The aim of the game is to have no cards left in your deck. Each turn a player can either select a card from their pile which matches the card on top of the putdown pile, or, they can pickup a new card from the pickup pile if they have no matching cards.
Attachment:- Assignment.rar