
Csm80007- construction site operations - what would be the

Masters in construction and Infrastructure Management - Construction Site Operations


1. Significant design changes have occurred due to a number of reasons in a project. What are the relevant AS4000 clauses that would apply?

2. How would the contract be changed and by whom to reflect these changes ?

3. Specify what would be the appropriate considerations relevant to quality of works. Explain citing the relevant clauses and sections, using AS4000.

4. The contractor is entitled to make "Claims for Variation" for additional works securing the ‘fossils, objects of antiquity and some interesting items of an anthropological nature' and correcting other anomalies discovered in the geotechnical information provided for tenderers. How should this be handled under AS4000, identifying all the relevant clauses that need to be referred to?

5. If Contractor has encountered unforeseen latent conditions what are the relevant clauses in AS 4000 would apply if the Contractor proceeds to submit a claim and seeks compensation?

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Other Engineering: Csm80007- construction site operations - what would be the
Reference No:- TGS02750017

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