
Csit811 assignment objective - design debug and test a java

Assignment -

The purpose of this assignment is: 

  • Data types, variables, constants
  • Expressions, Math methods, Executable statements
  • Input/Output
  • Comments

OBJECTIVE - Design, debug and test a Java program that estimates safety of industrial blasts and displays reports.

BACKGROUND - Industrial blasting is widely used in the recovery of mineral resources, both in surface mining and quarrying for rock fragmentation and displacement of the broken rock. However, if the blasting process is not organized properly, the rock fragments may be thrown beyond the clearance zone which may result in accidents. Due to the vital importance of industrial blast safety, the major blast parameters and factors affecting maximum projection range have to be estimated to establish a blast safety zone.

A commonly used equation to calculate the safe distance from a blast is:

Safe Distance = FOS × 11 × sdob-2.167 × d0.667


FOS is a factor of safety that is currently equal to 1.5 (may be changed due to government regulations)

d is a borehole diameter (millimeters)

sdob is the depth of burial (m/kg1/3)

The sdob is calculated as

sdob = (sl + 0.0005 × cclf × d )/( 0.00923 × (cclf × d3 × ED)0.333)


sl is a stemming length (meters)

d is a borehole diameter (millimeters)

ED is explosive density (grams/centimeter3)

cclf is contributing charge length factor

The cclf is calculated as

cclf = 1000 × cl / d


cl is a charge length (meters)

d is a borehole diameter (millimeters)

When cclf is greater than 10, it is limited to 10.


The company always uses the same type of industrial explosive with density ED = 1.4 grams/centimeter3 and currently is not planning to use other explosives. However, it may be changed in future if they change the supplier.


Your program shall be implemented using material covered in lectures 1-4. 

Your program shall be compliable by JDK SE 7

Your program shall have only one class that contains only one method main(). 

Your program shall define symbolic constants for all values which have a physical

meaning, are currently fixed, but there is a chance that they may be changed in future.

However, there is no need to define symbolic constants for those values which are permanently built into formulas and will never be changed.

In this assignment you can presume that the user input always correct (input verification is not required). Your program shall input blast parameters in the following order:

-  charge length (cl)

-  stemming length (sl)

-  borehole diameter (d)

The program shall perform all calculations with double precision. The safe distance shall be displayed as an integer value.

An example with two test cases is shown below. Your program must take the input parameters in exactly the same order and produce output in exactly the same format.

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JAVA Programming: Csit811 assignment objective - design debug and test a java
Reference No:- TGS02223266

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