
Csi5133 - information security - identify the ethical and

Learning outcomes

1. Identify the ethical and legal issues associated with information security and analyse their implications
2. Identify the role of risk management, risk identification, risk analysis and contingency planning in information security
3. Investigate the components of cyberspace and enquire about the security issues associated with it
4. Review, understand and apply classification systems for information
5. Use the internet to locate information security services


Information has many facets: value, confidentiality, integrity, privacy, legality, and so on. All information is not the same, not valued the same, and hence protection requirements may vary.


Research the City of Perth's proposal to implement facial recognition. You can find information about the program via online resources. To get started listen to the MP3 titled Facial recognition cameras for Perth CBD.

In 4000 words or less:
- Discuss the legal and ethical issues associated with this type of technology
- Discuss the role of Risk Management and how you could potentially go about contingency planning for such a system. Consider risk identification and assessment relating to the data storage and sharing of the system, this might include a threat matrix to identify the information assets.

- Tables and diagram can be used. Diagrams are excluded from the word count, however, tables are not.

Information Classification

In addition to the above task you are to develop a simple Information Classification Scheme for the facial recognition system.

You need only consider the basic information of the system, such as, people (staff), hardware, software, policy and marketing materials relating to the system.

To get you started, your classification model / matrix might include:

- Classification Category
- Description of the category, i.e., confidential for senior management only
- Information
- Documents / Markings
- Admin Controls
- Distribution
- Destruction

Report Requirements:

Your report must contain

Cover/Title Page
Must show the unit code and title, assignment title, your name and student number, due date and the title of your topic.
Table of Contents
This must accurately reflect the content of your report and must be generated automatically in Microsoft Word with clear page numbers.
Executive Summary
The executive summary should represent a summary of the entire report.
Introduce the report, define its scope and state any assumptions. Use in- text references were appropriate.
Main report content
Use appropriate sub headings where required. The main report should address the tasks set out.
A list of end-text references formatted according to the ECU requirements using the APA format. It is recommended that Endnote is used to manage references. Your references should ideally comprise of books, journal articles and conference papers. Web resources are permitted, however, you should check them for reliability.
Maximum 4000
This report should be labelled as .docx and should be in a single file.

Your assignments must be word-processed and the diagrams be developed using graphics software (most word-processors provide this facility). The text must be no smaller than 12pt and font Times New Roman

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Dissertation: Csi5133 - information security - identify the ethical and
Reference No:- TGS02929032

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