
Csd 2550 web applications and databases - middlesex

Coursework: Single Page Web Application

1. Summary

2. Key Points
- You select a single page web application that you want to build!
- It cannot be an e-commerce website or a client-side JavaScript game.
- It could be a website for social networking, photo sharing, file sharing, online game playing, email, document editing, recipe sharing, etc. Come up with your own ideas!
- The website does not take money from the users.
- The front end of the website must have a single HTML page. JavaScript will change parts of the page in response to user input.
- The front end must be written in HTML, CSS and JavaScript. You cannot write an app.
- You must use JavaScript running on Node.js on the server. No marks are available for functionality that is implemented in PHP.
- The front end of the website must communicate with the back end using AJAX, JSONP or WebSockets.
- Most third party libraries and frameworks are fine. It is not fine to use a third party library or framework that does most of the work for you. You should discuss a third party library or framework with your module leader before using it in your project.
- You must use a database to store data for the website. You cannot use MongoDB. Any other database is fine.
- Cross-browser compatibility is not required - you only need to demonstrate your website on a single browser.
- You can start Coursework 3 after you have submitted Coursework 1.
- First you submit a proposal. When we have given you feedback about your proposal you can start work on your project.
- You must demonstrate your project to us in the labs before the end of Week 24 (a partly working demo is fine).

3. Project Proposal

Submit a short document that:
- Briefly describes the proposed website.
- Describes the database that you are planning to use for your project.
- Includes wireframe sketches of the website or screenshots of early prototypes.
We will use the project proposal to give you feedback about your idea and help you realize it in the time available. You can reuse material from the project proposal in the final project submission.

4. Technology

The functionality of this website is up to you. It must be implemented using the following technology:
- The front end must be written in HTML, CSS and JavaScript. You cannot use JavaFX or write an app.
- The front end must consist of a single HTML page. JavaScript will be used to change the contents of this page.
- The server-side functionality must be implemented using JavaScript running on Node.js.
- JavaScript on the front end must communicate with the back end using AJAX, JSONP or WebSockets.
- Data must be stored a database. This database cannot be MongoDB. Any other database is fine.

Attachment:- Single page web application.rar

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: Csd 2550 web applications and databases - middlesex
Reference No:- TGS02864105

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