
Csc 830 - artificial intelligence - project - implement and

1. (TRAVERSING A MAZE) Consider a n x n maze with one entry point and one exit and all free and blocked cells clearly identified. Which search algorithm do you think is suitable for traversing the maze? Implement and test the algorithm. You may use Java or C++ to implement the algorithm. Ensure that your implementation includes a graphical display of the maze. All relevant data structures used must be clearly defined.

2. (MEDICAL ASSISTANT) An expert system is an intelligent com-puter program that uses knowledge and inference procedures to solve problems that are difficult enough to require significant human exper-tise for their solutions. The. user supplies facts or other information to the expert system and receives expert advice or expertise in response.

The knowledge base contains knowledge with which the inference engine draws conclusions.

In this exercise, you are required to. design and build a software system that emulates the decision-making ability of a physician. The software is expected to be used in a hospital setting to administer first aid. This tool enables doctors to differentiate diseases that exhibit similar symptoms using clinical and histopathological parameters obtained from a patient The program also gives explanations for the classfications of each classifier. The patient's records are also maintained in a database for further references. You may implement it using, for example, CLIPS.

3. Your suggestion may also be considered

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Computer Engineering: Csc 830 - artificial intelligence - project - implement and
Reference No:- TGS02831688

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