Programming Assignment: Gradanator
This interactive program focuses on if/else statements, input, and returning values. Turn in a file named The program reads as input a student's grades on homework and three exams and uses them to compute the student's course grade.
The program begins with an introduction message that briefly explains the program. The program then reads scores in four categories: midterm 1, midterm 2, homework and final. Each category is weighted: its points are scaled up to a fraction of the 100 percent grade for the course. As the program begins reading each category, it first prompts for the category's weight.
This program processes user input using input. You should handle the following two special cases of input:
- A student can receive extra credit on an individual assignment, but the total points for homework are capped at the maximum possible. For example, a student can receive a score of 22/20 on one homework assignment, but if their total homework score for all assignments is 63/60, this score should be capped at 60/60. Section points are capped at 34.
- Cap exam scores at 100. If the raw or shifted exam score exceeds 100, a score of 100 is used.
Attachment:- Assignment.rar