Data Structures Assignment: Create class domains in NetBeans and test them
Problem Scenario
A Colorado real estate office is in need of a Java programmer to assist them with some of their needs. The office needs to be able to track information about their realtors and the properties listed for sale. All properties are located in Colorado and Wyoming.
For each Realtor, the real estate office needs to know:
• Realtor's license number (Unique String - two letters followed by seven digits)
• Realtor's first name (String)
• Realtor's last name (String)
• Realtor's phone number (String formatted as "###-###-####")
• Realtor's commission (double representing a percentage)
The real estate office has had issues with incorrect realtor license numbers and phone numbers, so they are requesting a way to be able to determine if the they are correct.
For each Property, the real estate office wants to track:
• MLS number (Unique 7-digit integer that does NOT begin with a 0)
• Realtor's license number (to match a Realtor)
• Property street address (String)
• Property city (String)
• Property state (2-char uppercased String containing CO or WY)
• Property zip code (5-digit integer)
• Number of bedrooms (integer)
• Number of bathrooms (double)
• Sold (boolean)
• Asking price (double)
The real estate office has had issues with incorrect MLS numbers, state abbreviations, and zip codes, so they are requesting a way to be able to determine if the they are correct.
Program Requirements
The assignment this week is to create and test some of the classes for the problem scenario above. These classes will be used to implement data structures in later assignments.
The program must follow the CS310 Coding Standards from Content section 1.9.
To set up a project directory for your program:
o Create a new project in NetBeans, and name it CS310 + last name (e.g. CS310Smith).
o Use the default Main Class name provided by NetBeans (e.g. cs310smith.CS310Smith).
This will cause NetBeans to create a package for your source code files.
o NetBeans will create the default folders for the project.
o NetBeans will create the main method within the main class (e.g.
After creating the project, when you view the Files tab, the project structure will look like this:

You will create two additional classes in the same CS310 folder as the file (click on the CS310 folder before selecting New File). The additional classes are:
• a Realtor class
• a Property class
These classes will be used for creating and manipulating the Realtor and Property objects, and will not contain a main method.
After you create the Realtor and Property classes, use the tips provided in the NetBeans reader to generate the following methods for both classes:
constructors getters/setters
equals() - must compare ALL attribute values toString() - must include ALL attribute values
The Realtor and Property classes should include two constructors each: an empty constructor a constructor that accepts all of the attributes of the class as parameters
While NetBeans can help you create the basic methods, you will also need to add additional data error checking methods, as follows:
Error checking methods for the Realtor class:
• Check the license contains 2 letters followed by 7 digits within the String.
• Check the phone number is 12 chars long and contains dashes and digits in the correct places Error checking methods for the Property class:
• Check the MLS number is 7 digits long
• Check the state is either "CO" or "WY"
• Check the zip code is a Colorado zip code (5 digits long, starting with 80, 81, 82, or 83). All of these error checking methods will simply check the proper attribute and return a true or false.
Input Data File
You will use a simple csv file input file for this program (see the online Content for information on how to read a csv file). The file will contain four lines of data about Realtors and Property
This week's input file, assn1input.txt, will contain only 4 data lines, in the following format:
PROPERTY,ADD,mlsNum,licenseNum,streetAddr,city,state,zipCode,numBedrooms, numBathRooms,sold(Y/N),askingPrice
The data will be two lines of Realtor data, followed by two lines of Property data.
Sample Input File Lines
REALTOR,ADD,AB1234567,Jose,Ferguson,303-333-3333,0.018 REALTOR,ADD,DK4567890,Antonia,Swarez,720-444-4444,0.020 PROPERTY,ADD,7654321,AB1234567,567 Main St,Denver,CO,80221,3,1.5,N,222333 PROPERTY,ADD,9876543,DK4567890,111 Hover St,Longmont,CO,80501,4,2,Y,321321
This file will be placed in an input directory within your project (see Deliverables section below for how to create new directories within your project). Within your code, define a constant to hold this filename, as follows:
final String INPUT_FILENAME = "input/assn1input.txt";
This week, the main method in the CS310Lastname class will be used to test your Realtor and
Property classes. The main method will run 3 sets of tests.
NOTE: Before each test, display a message stating which test is being run.
Also display a blank line between each of the tests.
Test Set 1
The first set of tests will test the constructors with parameters for each attribute and the toString() method for each class.
Test 1a:
Instantiate a Realtor object by hardcoding argument values of your choice in the call to the constructor. Then use the toString() instance method to print the attribute values to the console.
Test 1b:
Instantiate a Property object by hardcoding argument values of your choice in the call to the constructor. Then use the toString() instance method to print the attribute values to the console.
MyClass myObjectName = new MyClass("abc", 123, false); System.out.println( myObjectName.toString() );
Test Set 2
The second set of tests will test the empty constructors, setters and getters, and will also test reading data from the input data file.
Before running the tests, try to open the input data file.
• Throw an exception of the data file cannot be found.
• The exception handler should display an error message using System.err instead of
System.out and include the name of the file that could not be found in the message.
• Exit the program with error code 1.
If the file opens successfully, run the rest of the tests that follow.
Test 2a:
Instantiate a Realtor object, using the empty constructor. Read the first line of data from the input data file.
Use split() to parse the line read into an array of String values.
The first item on the data line should be the String "REALTOR". If it is: Call a static setRealtorAttributes() method. This method will:
o Pass in the Realtor object and array of String values as parameters
o Use the setters to set each attribute value
o Return the Realtor object with all attributes set.
Call the method to validate the realtor's license number and phone number
o If the either of these items are invalid, display an error message explaining what is invalid.
Call a static displayRealtorAttributes() method. This method will:
o Pass in the Realtor object as a parameter.
o Use the getters to display each attribute value, one per line. Otherwise, display an error message that the data is not REALTOR data.
Test 2b:
Instantiate another Realtor object, using the empty constructor. Read the second line of data from the input data file.
Use split() to parse the line read into an array of String values.
The first item on the data line should be the String "REALTOR".
Check this and repeat all the steps from test 2a.
Test 2c:
Instantiate a Property object, using the empty constructor. Read the third line of data from the input data file.
Use split() to parse the line read into an array of String values.
The first item on the data line should be the String "PROPERTY". If it is: Call a static setPropertyAttributes() method. This method will:
o Pass in the Property object and array of String values as parameters
o Use the setters to set each attribute value
o Return the Property object with all attributes set.
Call the methods to validate the MLS number, state, and zip code
o If the any of these items are invalid, display an error message explaining what is invalid.
Call a static displayPropertyAttributes() method. This method will:
o Pass in the Property object as a parameter.
o Use the getters to display each attribute value, one per line. Otherwise, display an error message that the data is not PROPERTY data.
Test 2d:
Instantiate another Property object, using the empty constructor. Read the fourth line of data from the input data file.
Use split() to parse the line read into an array of String values.
The first item on the data line should be the String "PROPERTY".
Check this and repeat all the steps from test 2c.
Close the input data file when you have completed the tests in Test Set 2, before running Test Set 3.
Test Set 3
The third set of tests will test the equals() methods for both classes.
Test 3a:
Use the equals() method to compare the two Realtor objects from Test Set 2, and display a message stating whether they are equal or not.
Test 3b:
Use the equals() method to compare the two Property objects from Test Set 2, and display a message stating whether they are equal or not.
Notes on Validating your Code
In order to validate your code, you will need to run your test code multiple times, each time using different sets of data. For example:
Run 1: No test data input file in input folder. Run 2: In the file data
For the Realtor objects, one realtor license is invalid and one phone numbers is invalid. For the Property objects, one MLS number is invalid, one zip code is invalid, and at least one property is not yet sold.
Neither the Realtor or Property objects are equal (at least one attribute value differs).
Run 3: All data is valid, the Properties are sold, and the Realtor and Property objects are equal (all attribute values are the same).
You must supply enough test files to test all possible ways the tests might fail.
Sample Output Display
Running Test 1a:
Realtor{licenseNum=AA1111111, firstName=John, lastName=Smith, phoneNum=303-333- 3333, commissionRate=0.18}
Running Test 1b:
Listing{mlsNum=1234567, licenseNum=AA1111111, streetAddress=1234 Main St, city=Denver, state=CO, zipCode=80221, numBedrms=3, numBaths=1.5, sold=false, askingPrice=234500.0}
Running Test 2a:
ERROR: Invalid phone number format: 303333-3333 AB1234567
Jose Ferguson 303333-3333
Running Test 2b:
ERROR: Invalid license format: D4567890 D4567890
Antonia Swarez
Running Test 2c:
ERROR: Invalid state: CY 7654321
567 Main St Denver
CY 80221
false 222333.00
Running Test 2d:
ERROR: Invalid MLS number: 987654 ERROR: Invalid zip code: 84501 987654
1111 Hover St Longmont
CO 84501
true 321321.00
Running Test 3a:
Realtor objects are NOT equal
Running Test 3b:
Property objects NOT are equal
Additional Requirements
• Use NetBeans to build comment headers. You are responsible for completing the comment headers created. Refer to the NetBeans reader on how to use NetBeans to insert your comment headers.
• Add an input folder. To create a new folder in NetBeans:
o Right click on the project name (top level folder).
o On the next dialog box, select New.
o Another dialog box will pop up. Look for "Folder" (the order of the list varies based on what the last actions you have done). Select Folder.
o When prompted, name the new folder "input".
Place all test data files that you create to test your program in the input folder of your project, and name them as follows:
assn1input2.txt (i.e. number each data file after the filename of assn1input.txt) Together, all of your test data files should demonstrate that you have tested all possible code paths.
• Use the same method as above to add a documentation folder.
o Add screen shots of a clean compile of each of your classes to the documentation folder. Example:

o If you have compile errors, a red error symbol is placed on the file and folder name tabs. Be sure to clear all compile errors before capturing the screen shot.
o You can paste your image file into the documentation folder, as follows:
- Right click on the documentation folder name, and select Paste.
WARNING: Submittals without the clean compile screenshots will not be accepted. (This means that programs that do not compile will not be accepted)
Program Submission
This programming assignment is due by midnight of the date listed on the Course Assignments by Week page of the Content.
You will submit a zip file containing your project files. To submit your project:
• First export your project from NetBeans. To do this:
o Highlight the project name.
o Click on File from the top menu, and select Export Project.
o Select To ZIP
o Name your export file in the following format:
NOTE: Save this zip file to some other directory, not your project directory.
• Then submit your .zip file to the Prog Assn 1 Submission Folder (located under Assignments tab in online course).
Warning: Only NetBeans export files will be accepted.
Do not use any other kind of archive or zip utility.