
Cs 8803-o09 project crazyflie design and analysis using

Project - Crazyflie design and analysis using AADL

About this project

For this project, we aim at using AADL to analyze an existing design of a small UAV, the Crazyflie, and then to extend it to add new capabilities.

This project is organized in multiple parts:

Part 0 is an introduction to AADL and toolchain. Please reference the attached « Tool Installation Instructions.doc. file. It only contains instructions to install the tools. I would recommend to use the option to install manually.

Part 1 is a walkthrough of the provided Crazyflie model (see attached 'Crazyflie-master.zip' file.), where you'll perform multiple analysis and then expand the model;


In this part, we introduce the basic elements of the AADL Language and its tool chain.

These suggested readings may serve as a more comprehensive first reference to the AADL:

  • Julien Delange, AADL in Practice,
  • John J. Hudak, Peter H. Feiler, Developing AADL Models for Control Systems: A Practitioner's Guide, Software Engineering Institute (SEI) Technical Report CMU/SEI-2007-TR-014, July 2007.

PART 1 - Unboxing the Crazyflie

Part 1.1 - Flow latency analysis

Q1: List all end-to-end flows in the model, and propose additional flows that may be missing. You will justify their inclusion and the associated configuration parameters.

Q2: Can you avoid modeling some end-to-end flows using the symmetry of the model?

Q3: Add these flows to the AADL models.

For each of them, you'll use specific notation to indicate the modified elements. Suggested annotation is to use AADL comments, like

-- John Doe begin of addition for question Q42

-- John Doe end of addition for question Q42

where John Doe is changed to your actual name, and question adjusted accordingly.

Q4: The previous parts provided some high-level requirements for the end-to-end latency for some flows. Are these requirements valid? Does the current architecture meets these requirements?

Part 1.2 - Simulation of the model

Q5: Simulate the model using the AADL Inspector simulator. Are all elements executed? How would you correct the system?

Q6: Does the execution match your expected behavior for this system? In particular, you want to assess whether all ports are correctly dimensioned, if a thread may miss its deadline, etc.

Part 1.3 - Scheduling analysis of the model

In this part, we continue exploring the analysis of the model with AADL Inspector.

Scheduling analysis provides a mechanism to assess schedulability of a system. AADL Inspector has multiple plug-ins to perform scheduling analysis.

Q7: Run scheduling analysis on the system, what can you conclude?

Q8: How would you relate flow analysis, simulation and scheduling analysis? What is their benefit in a complete Systems Engineering process?

Part 1.4 - Adding new component: Flow Deck

Q9: Provide an expanded model with the Flow Deck integrated. Ensure all previous analysis are still feasible. You'll provide the rationale for all the updates you performed.

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Other Engineering: Cs 8803-o09 project crazyflie design and analysis using
Reference No:- TGS02525247

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