
Cs 291 - computer science ii - data structures and

1. Write a complete program that performs the following tasks:

Read a list of double precision numbers, scores, from the keyboard into an array named Grade.

Check to ensure each entered value is between 0 and 100

Count the number of scores as they are entered

Data entry is terminated when a negative value is entered

After all the scores have been entered,

  Find and display the sum total of the scores in Grade

Find and display the average of the scores in Grade

(Extra Credit) List all the scores in Grade, place an asterisk (*) in front of each score that is less than the average score.

(Extra credit): Find and display the minimum and the maximum scores on the Grade.

(Extra credit): Find and display the array positions at which the minimum and maximum scores occur.

2. (Extra Credit) There are M (<50) students in a course. All the students take a required test with 10 true-or-false questions.

The answer key for the test is: T T F T F. T F F F T.

Declare an array to store the answer key.

Declare a 2-dim array to store the answers given by the students on the test. Each row corresponds to the answers of one student. For example:

Student 1: T F T T F. F T T T F Student 2: T T F F F. T T F T F Student 3:   F F T F T. T F T F T

Each correct answer is worth 10 points, and incorrect answer is worth 0 points.

Compute the test scores for the students and place in an array.

Compute the total score for the questions and place in an array.

Display the student test scores

Display the question total scores

Display the average student test scores

3. Do the following problems:

Which of the following is a declaration for a pointer (C++)? int x;   // a.1

int *p;      // a.2

double v;  // a.3

double z*;    // a.4

int **q;   // a.5


int* y;      // a.6

int *g*;   // a.7

Write declaration statements for each of the following: datePtr is a pointer to an integer //b.1

amtPtr is a pointer to a single precision number //b.2 ptrChr is a pointer to a character //b.3

flg is a pointer to a Boolean value //b.4

The variable pointed to by yptr is a double precision //b.5

Write   declaration and/or assignment statements to perform each of the following:

Declare x as an integer variable        //c.1 Declare p as a pointer to an integer variable //c.2 Assign the address of x to p //c.3

Display the address of p          //c.4

Display the address of x           //c.5 Display the value in the variable pointed to by p //c.6

Use p to assign 5 to the variable (location) p points to //c.7

4. Do the following problems:

a. Define a user data type to store a student record (form) for a course. Each record contains the student name, gpa, course grade, a place to store a number (5) of exam scores.

b. Declare a pointer to a student record for Jimmy LongHorn, and point it to allocated storage that store the student's data: "Jimmy LongHorn", 3.75, "A", 97.0, 96.50, 90.85, 94.0, 99.0; then delete the student record, after printing out the student data.

b. Declare a student grade book for a course with up to 200 students, with each student's data stored using the student record defined in (a).

c.  Write a code fragment to print (display) all the data in the grade book (b) for the 10th to the 20th student.

d. Write a code fragment for a function that takes either a pointer (or reference) to student record calculates the course grade from exam scores, using a simple rubric.

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Data Structure & Algorithms: Cs 291 - computer science ii - data structures and
Reference No:- TGS01602757

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