Data Structures Assignment: InOrder, PreOrder, and PostOrder Traversal in a Binary Search Tree (BST)
In this assignment, you will implement inorder, preorder, and postorder traversal functions on a binary search tree.
void inOrder(void(*func)(const T &)) const;
void preOrder(void(*func)(const T &)) const;
void postOrder(void(*func)(const T &)) const;
void inOrder(void(*func)(const T &), bst_node* node) const;
void preOrder(void(*func)(const T &), bst_node* node) const;
void postOrder(void(*func)(const T &), bst_node* node) const;
Each of these traversal methods matches a public method that takes a function pointer as a parameter with an overloaded private method that takes a function pointer and a binary-search-tree node pointer as parameters. The private method is recursive. The reason the matching of public and private functions is necessary is that the private function takes a node pointer in the second parameter position; node pointers are private to the binary search tree.
Please download the starter files for this assignment from the Files tab ( Do not alter the class definition or driver code in any way. Programs that crash are subject to a 50% penalty. Please submit the class header file only ("bst.h"). PLEASE NOTE: You may not use any Standard Template Library (STL) classes for this assignment; use code provided by the instructor only.
Here is an example: suppose you have the following BST:

BST.inOrder(); yields 14->21->24->25->28->31->32->36->39->41->47
BST.preOrder(); yields 32->24->21->14->28->25->31->41->36->39->47
BST.postOrder(); yields 14->21->25->31->28->24->39->36->47->41->32
Attachment:- Assignment Files.rar