Cryptocurrency giants-Ethereum and Bitcoin
Part 1: Ethereum & Bitcoin
The students explore Ethereum & Bitcoin by reviewing the literature on the internet as papers, book chapters, and independent scholarly reports by experts, and research based videos. Students participating in the PBL are taught how to do the critical thinking for review of literature. At least three articles related to technology supporting Ethereum need to be analysed in depth by discussing the overall contribution, scope and limitations of each research work.
Following aspects related to Ethereum must be discussed:
- Architecture
- Features
- Challenges
Part 2: Applications of Bitcoin
Students need to discuss at least one application in EACH of the following domains supported by Bitcoin:
- TokenSystems
- Decentralised filestorage
Part 3: Compare Ethereum and Bitcoin
Bitcoin and Ethereum are the two biggest giants of the cryptocurrency world. Bitcoin (BTC) was the first coin and Ethereum (ETH) followed a few years later. Discuss in detail similarities and differences between the two.