Cross Drainage Works:
A large number of culverts are needed for taking care of the streams crossing the railway lines. The culverts can be one of the following types:
(a) Masonry arch
(b) Brick arch
(c) RCC slab
(d) RCC box
(e) RCC pipes
Bridges are provided across rivers crossing the railway line. The types of bridges used are:
(a) RCC slab
(b) RCC T-beam and slab
(c) Pre-stressed Concrete beam
(d) Steel plate girders
(e) Steel truss girders (for long spans)
The foundations are either open foundations or well foundations (for long spans). The piers and abutments are constructed in masonry, mass concrete or RCC.
The waterway for the bridges is fixed carefully after calculating the maximum possible discharge. Adequate clearance is provided over the highest flood level upto the bearings to take care of floating trees.