
Crj306 criminal law amp procedure - how the criminals get

Criminal Law & Procedure

This is what the paper is about On the delinquency of juvenile it based on the final project and there have lot of data that was found and was known to be very intriguing. The main important things that were founded and was known very little about them was that it feels like much more, but the main thing is that it has lots of data on this particular topic. The topic is how the criminals get treated as juveniles and how they commit.

The usefulness and efficiency of the justice system of juvenile as this may be one major motive and it also states that none of the two criminals of the juvenile are similar. May be the crime is same but sentencing the juvenile may be depending different and also the place or country crime is dedicated.

The major problem is it shows statistics, those recidivism juvenile rate offenders that got incarcerated that are quite big. "Some 200,000 youths every year are as adults incarcerated, sentenced or tried and at first trouble example, often relatively for minor crimes, as per the Youth Justice Campaign.

They are the kids 34% more for getting and likely in trouble again by new crimes committed as per government study" (Stier, 2009). So there is a learning of major thing and what my outlook changed for the final project is locking crimes for teens up that they committed and seem for liking the correct thing for doing.

Thus, it is not necessary to project right thing at the end of the report.

References Stier, K. (2009, March 24). Getting the Juvenile-Justice System to Grow Up.

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Dissertation: Crj306 criminal law amp procedure - how the criminals get
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