
Critique of thomas kuhn paradigm concept

Critique of Thomas Kuhn paradigm concept:

A. Annotated Bibliography. Find five Web sites that discuss Kuhn’s concept of the paradigm. At least ONE of the sites should be critical of the concept.

B. Write a Critique of Kuhn. Include in your critique:

Comments from Web sites;

A discussion of Kuhn’s evidence for the paradigm concept;

The effect Kuhn’s paradigm concept has on our perception that scientific discovery represents progress in our understanding of the universe.

The critique should be six to nine pages in length, typed, and double-spaced.

On the Annotated Bibliography papers the minimum is 125 words per annotation – no exceptions. You will find and discuss five internet reference sources for each.

None of the annotations are to be written by personal opinion alone. The object of this course is for you to learn new material. You are to research your answer for every question and write from the associated source. Everything must be properly paraphrased, but citing in the Annotated Bibliographies is not required because it is assumed that your source was the aforementioned reference source.

You cannot use quotations in the Annotated Bibliographies.

The words of the reference information do not count toward the 125 words for the annotation.

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