
Critique of qualitative research article

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Select a qualitative article that will be employed in your final project. Provide a brief critique of the article, commenting on the following:

1. The purpose and goal of the study as stated or implied by the problem statement, research question(s), and hypothesis(es).

2. The source of information for data and the sampling methods used to select participants or data sources.

3. The data collection methods, such as interviews, surveys, observation, review of existing documents, or other tools or measures.

4. The fit between the intended purpose of the study and the methods chosen.

5. The transferability of the study in terms of what population and setting the results could justifiably be generalized to. This should be tied to the sampling or selection method used.

6. The study's dependability, credibility, conformability, or verifiability, as appropriate.

7. The type of research method and design used.

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Reference No:- TGS033284

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