
Critically read your assigned project as soon as it appears

Consultants' review of an information and communications technology infrastructure and information system plan (Group Project)

The group project that you have been developing during the previous four weeks is approaching its end. Now, a group of external consultants is going to read it and advise you with potential improvements. At the same time, your group will serve as consultants to another project inside your class.

Notice that the consultants are here to help in the project's successful implementation. Your approach to this role should be positive and proactive; you are here to offer your advice to all of its aspects for the project's overall improvement. It is the privilege of the authors to refuse your recommendation(s), but the reasons should be explained. It also means that your group should discuss the proposals of your consultants and express your position to them. If you are not willing to accept the proposals, you should explain why. Your consultants may then clarify their arguments.

The discussions between authors and consultants will be done in a special thread in the Discussion Forum. There will be a shared thread per project.

These are the consultants' duties:

1. Critically read your assigned project as soon as it appears in ST. If you do not understand any issue or argument ation, do not hesitate to ask its authors for their explanation. Post your question in ST.

2. Formulate your individual evaluation and post it inside your GF before Sunday of Week 7. It should specify: 1.Does the partner group project serve as a good starting point to their planned change?

2. Identify its weaknesses and strengths and explain why you identify them as such. Whenever possible, propose suggestions for improvements.

3. Identify potential opponents of the project in the authors' organisation. Propose a strategy to minimise their concerns. 

3. Coordinate your position with the rest of your group. Read their evaluations no later than on Monday of Week 7. Organise your group chat.

4. Your group has to prepare its coordinated review document: 1.Express your opinion on the assigned project's quality, strengths and weakness.

2. Propose a series of recommendations to increase its quality. Among all issues raised by the members of your group, select three or four as the most important. At least one of them must address resistance to change (i.e. Item 2c in your individual evaluations). 

5. Post your group's collective review into ST before the end of Week 7. Submit only one review per group.

6. During Week 8, wait for the authors' reactions to your review. Discuss the reactions with them, focusing on what you think are the most important reactions. Be aware that the authors may or may not accept your proposals. In the latter case, be prepared to explain your reasons and their advantages. 

These are the authors' duties:

1. Your consultants' questions can appear at any point after posting. Be ready to respond to them in ST throughout Week 7.

2. Your consultants have to prepare their written review and post it to ST before the end of Wee k 7.

3. Read the review as soon as possible. Prepare your individual standpoint-a list of possible reactions to the reviewers' items-and post it in your GF no later than on Friday of Week 8.

4. Coordinate your reactions to the review with the rest of your group. Read their lists. No later than Saturday of Week 8, organise your group chat-a brainstorming session.

5. Your group should incorporate (at least some of) the reviewers' comments. During brainstorming, discuss your positions. Decide which suggestions to accept, which to reject and which to modify to fit better to your particular conditions.

6. Based on your brainstorming outcomes, modify your project in order to meet your consultants' proposals. 1.Distribute the modifications among the group members.

7. Do not hesitate to ask the consultants to clarify any issue in their review that may help you in meeting their expectations.

8. Explain to your consultants your reasons for not accepting thos e of their suggestions in the section you are responsible for.

8. Your final document with the changes must be posted to ST before the end of Week 8. 

Note: All project threads are open to everyone. For your inspiration and comparison, you are welcome to read other projects, too.

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Basic Computer Science: Critically read your assigned project as soon as it appears
Reference No:- TGS0934023

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