
Critically explain how social media marketing can be used

E commerce and Marketing.

Report (1500 words: +/- 10%)

Your report paper should be submitted on the Student Portal along with an acceptable Turnitin Report -15% maximum

Assignment Task (Part One) Individual Report (Weighing 25%) Scenario Internet marketing includes all the online activities a business conducts via the worldwide web with the aim of attracting new business, retaining current business and developing its brand identity with increased market share.

As a newly appointed SEO Graduate at Esso Global, you are required to

- Critically explain how social media marketing can be used as a marketing approach to target potential customers and achieve competitive advantage.

- Critically discuss how the eight features of E-Commerce can be used as a promotion strategy to reinforce Esso Global within the Oil and Gas industry.

Assignment Guidance TASK 1

is an individual report and must be presented in a report format (1,500 words). It is important that your report is properly structured. Also, as this is an academic paper, you should draw on contemporary literature to support your paper. Remember that this individual report accounts for 25% of your module assessment. Hence, bad performance will have an impact on this module. An executive summary is required as part of your report. Your report should include references to the appropriate e-commerce and marketing literature (textbooks, journals and websites). Care should be taken when consulting websites as they are not all equally authoritative (for example Wikipedia is not peer-reviewed; therefore is not considered an academic reference website). A minimum of 8 different academic references must be cited, but a well-researched report is likely to cite many more. You are advised to keep a backup copy of the report until you receive your grade and regularly back-up your work in the cloud (OneDrive, iCloud, Dropbox and GoogleDrive are good examples). A disk crash is not an acceptable reason for late submission.

Below is an indicative structure for your report: Title Page Table of Contents A list of all the chapters, sections, headings, and sub-headings. Appendices and Figures should be provided as well as all page numbers as clearly as possible. Introduction This should show that you have understood the brief and that you will cover everything required. Findings and Analysis

- This is the substance of your report. The structure will vary depending on the material being presented. Headings and sub-headings should be used to indicate clearly the different sections.

- Charts, diagrams and tables can be used to reinforce your arguments, although it may be better to include the more complex ones as an appendix. Conclusion This provides an end to your report through a summary of the important points in your discussion. Remember not to include any new material here. Reference List / Bibliography The terms reference list and bibliography are sometimes used interchangeably, but here we define the terms as:

- Bibliography - a list of consulted readings, for example a list of textbook sources, that you have studied while composing your essay, but not specifically cited in the text

- Reference list - a list of cited sources.

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Management Information Sys: Critically explain how social media marketing can be used
Reference No:- TGS01716137

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