
Critically examine the main options in dealing with risk


The COVID-19 pandemic has tested all supply chain professionals to do what is required to maintain critical operations during unprecedented, global disruptions. Industry are finding ways to provide critical products to people with various needs. Eventually, they need to emerge with stronger supply chains and the confidence that these complex manufacturing processes can continue to operate in the most trying of circumstances.

Select a restaurant of your choice in your area (Nandos) and write a report answering all five questions (remember to use the recommended structure).

I. Critically examine the main options in dealing with risk. Make use of the relevant examples from the restaurant of your choice.

II. An organization is said to have a resilient supply chain, if it can be able to quickly respond to any disruptions and get better subsequently. Analyse the physical features of a resilient supply chain using relevant examples from the selected restaurant.

III. Supply chain risk management guarantees production and deliveries are running efficiently. Using the same selected restaurant, critically discuss any ten problems that need management's attention when integrating SCRM.

IV. You are a Logistics officer in your restaurant. Critically analyse the process of risk management and the benefits of Supply Chain Risk Management using the relevant examples.

V. A more global outlook of firms means that firms are able to broaden their supplier and customer basis to buy, transport, manufacture and distribute products in a single worldwide market.

Critically examine any five factors which may encourage your restaurant to operate globally. Make use of the same restaurant to illustrate your answer.

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Supply Chain Management: Critically examine the main options in dealing with risk
Reference No:- TGS03345821

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